Anna-Maria Saarela

Anna-Maria Saarela

Senior Research Professor, Savonia University Applied Sciences
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Anna-Maria has worked at the university sector for 20 years in various positions in education, counselling, international networking and RDI. After a multidisciplinary dissertation which combined consumer behavior, business and nutrition science. Anna-Maria has continued her work by applying the tacit knowledge utilization perspectives for generating new concepts such as Future Food RDI's marketing and product development services for food companies. Past years, Anna-Maria has focused on being a project manager (FP7, Tekes, ESF, H2020, OKM) and applying funds from international, national and local sources (H2020, Erasmus +, NP, ERDF, ESF, OKM, Twinning-TAIEX). In recent years, Anna-Maria has applied and participated in three Commission-funded projects (FP7-Tradeit, H2020-ValueWaste, H2020-Ruritage) and actively promoted innovative visions for regional and international development.