Storytelling with children

Storytelling with children

Castelvetro di Modena, Italy

Encourage children’s reading and imagination by providing them with tools to easily escape into the marvelous world of literature.

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Primarily children but is open to everyone

Main promoter

Biblioteca comunale di Castelvetro di Modena

You learn more about the project here!

Overall aim

The main aim of the action is to encourage children to read more. In the time the pandemic, this service provides a great opportunity for children to leave worries about their new daily life for the splendor of books.

Brief description

Every day, the library in Castelvetro publishes videos of librarians and volunteers reading books on their Faceboook page. By reading out loud directly from the library in Castelvetro, children are allowed to flee into a world of imagination provided by books and stories.


Encourage children's and other's reading by providing them with easy digital tools.

Cross-cutting themes

Technological innovation    Social innovation