Providing E-Learning services for the Tetritskaro community

Providing E-Learning services for the Tetritskaro community

Villages in Tetritskaro, Georgia

Ensure children’s right to education and strengthen the community through the support of socially vulnerable families by providing basic technology.

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Socially vulnerable families with four or more children and school students and youths.

Main promoter

The action is implemented by RDFG in close collaboration with the Tetritskaro Local Action Group (LAG). The LAG is formed from the representatives of Tetritskaro municipal authorities, local communities, private and civil sectors.

You learn more about the project here!

Overall aim

The main aim of the action is to support vulnerable families affected by the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. This is being done by targeting people who have been left without basic income and do not have access to food. Moreover, it also addresses school students who do not have access to e-learning tools due to the lack of computers or internet access, being at risk of falling behind.
To raise awareness on COVID-19 and reach the minorities living in the region, information is being provided in three languages through the Association Rural Development for Future Georgia (RDFG) - Disaster Risk Reduction Centre.

Brief description

Assessments of the needs in the Tetritskaro region showed that the closure of small and medium-sized enterprises due to the COVID19 lockdown, left many people temporarily or permanently without their jobs and consequently without a source of income. Most of them were the only income source in the family. Amongst them, large families are suffering the most, some having trouble feeding their children who are also at risk of failing at school as they do not have access to computers or internet for remote learning. Overall, access to technology and internet  is an issue for some many of the local youth. Basic nutritional needs are also a problem.

To address these challenges while complying with the government regulations related to the prevention of the spread of the virus, RDFG started applying modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to ensure educational continuity, and provides capacity building workshops. Several actions are being put in place:

1) As a long-term solution RDFG introduced Distance Services Including E-Learning tools for rural school students, young entrepreneurs/farmers, and vocational training/skills development sessions.

2) As a short-term emergency action, RDFG, together with the Tetritskaro Local Action Group (LAG) and the representatives of the local government, identified target groups in need and initiated a fundraising campaign to assist locals who meet certain vulnerability criteria. This way, socially vulnerable families with four or more children are being supported with a standard food basket and school students from these families received computers and a monthly internet plan.

The list of E-Learning/Training resources are available here.


Assure children’s rights to education and strengthen the community through the support of socially vulnerable families by providing basic technology.

Cross-cutting themes

Technological innovation    Social innovation