Local food production in Magma UNESCO Global Geopark
Where we are
Magma UNESCO Global Geopark is located in southwest Norway, covering five municipalities in all where Rogaland constitute the main one. The landscape is more or less a flat surface which gently slopes towards the coast, interrupted by hundreds of small valleys and over 6,000 lakes. Dominated by bare rocks there are areas completely lacking plants. As a result, agriculture in the area has consisted out of fishing, sheep and cattle farming.
Agriculture and the fish industry have throughout history been closely linked in Magma. Local farmers have traditionally also worked as fishermen which has led to the local name ´fish-farmers´. To this day, one of the largest harbors in Norway, called Egersund, is found in the southwest part of the area.
By participating in RURITAGE, Magma will sustainably develop a narrative of place. This will be carried out by supporting and enhancing local food production through the development of products and more distinctive labeling. There will also be a boost of local business through internships and work training for migrant integration.
Rural Heritage
You find the Rural Heritage Hub in what today constitutes the office of Magma Geopark – an old dairy situated in Egersund. The building dates back to 1850 and is found in the city center of Egersund. With its 26 meters high creamery tower, the protected building is an important figure in the townscape of Egersund. In 1997 the municipality bought the old dairy and today it is owned by a private developer renting the building out to Magma. It is possible to host about 20 people at the same time in the venue.