Sara Torabi Moghadam

Sara Torabi Moghadam

Postdoctoral researcher at S3+Lab of Politecnico di Torino.
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Ph.D. with a demonstrated history of 6 years in the field of "Smart Cities" and “Sustainable Cities” being involved in a number of National and European projects. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral researcher at S3+Lab of Politecnico di Torino and also carried out a research period at LESO-PB laboratory, EPFL. Her expertise focuses on Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support System (MC-SDSS), which intends to facilitate the participative decisional process for stakeholders who can ask “what-if” questions and visualize “if-then” scenarios in a real-time. In her career, she has worked with both public administration and the private sector entities aiding them in achieving sustainable development goals. She is highly experienced in project managing and growing teams to overcome challenges. In addition, she is the author of numerous international publications.