Simona Tondelli

Simona Tondelli

The first director of the professional Master programme “Heritage for rural regeneration” and full professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Bologna (UNIBO).
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Environmental engineer and PhD in Building and Spatial Engineering, Simona Tondelli is full a professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Director of the professional Master programme “Heritage for rural regeneration”. She has 22 years of research experience in sustainable planning and regeneration. She is head of the Refurbishment and Restoration division of the UNIBO Interdepartmental Centre for Applied Research on Buildings and Construction. Project coordinator of RURITAGE H2020 project, of MATCH-UP INTERREG EUROPE project, ADRISEISMIC Interreg Adrion project and ECOTALE INTERREG IVC project, she is also currently partner in one ERA-NET JPI Urban Europe project (SPN), in SEERRI H2020 project, in SHELER H2020 project and many Erasmus+ projects, and is coordinator of many regional/local Research Projects. Vice-Director of the Emilia-Romagna section of the Italian National Urban Planning Institute – INU and Treasurer of the National Urban Planning Institute, she is member of all the main Italian Urban Planning associations (INU, CENSU, SIU), and former President of the Association of the Engineers of the Bologna Province. She is member of the Scientific board of the PhD programme In Architecture and Design Cultures of the Department of Architecture, UNIBO. Author of over 100 publications.

Read more about Tondelli on the UNIBO website here.