Rural Resilience Actions in times of COVID-19

The RURITAGE community gathered in the Resilience Replicator Appignano del Tronto in 2019

The RURITAGE project invites you to share innovative actions in the midst of the global pandemic crisis to increase and strengthen resilience in rural communities.

In a time like this, not only society, politics and economics as a whole is challenged but thousands of individuals and their communities are disrupted. Within the RURITAGE project, the Coronavirus has not only halted a critical development phase for our rural communities in the Replicators and Role Models territories but also generated a real-life test for human and community resilience.

Arguably, rural areas are as affected as urban areas by the crisis, facing challenges exacerbated by less available resources and greater isolation issues. Rural communities themselves can struggle in finding tailored solutions for their already fragile environments.

At the same time, rural communities all around the world are also enhancing the value of local resources, cultural and natural heritage and human capital through mutual support, reinforced networks, better collaboration, cooperation and solidarity for reinforced resilience, as we claim throughout our project implementation.

With this in mind, the RURITAGE project is calling for gathering and exchanging rural experiences to support each other within the project and beyond. We are reaching out to rural communities and individuals to help us in co-building a collection of actions of knowledge, skills, ideas, and resources of social resilience across Europe and all around the globe.

We invite you to share your rural area’s deeds to obtain and strengthen the community through this form. We welcome initiatives and actions from all rural context, related with our main areas of work that encompasses sustainability, cultural and natural heritage and our main innovation areas – local food, migration, art and festival, landscape management and pilgrimage.

Please feel free to contact us in case you would like to know more or you are having any question regarding the form at