Exploring the consequences of climate change in the geological record, an internatonal exhibition.

RURITAGE partners from the Levos Island UNESCO Global Geopark in Greece and the Geo-Naturepark Bergstraße-Odenwald (UNESCO Global Geopark) in Germany, together with the UNESCO World Heritage Site Grube Messel, joined forces to create an exhibition that explores the consequences of climate change in the geological record.

A fossilized tree trunk from Lesvos.

In the exhibition, visitors will be able to explore the environment of Lesvos Island 19 million years ago, shortly before the Vatousa volcanic eruption buried hundreds of subtropical forest trees with volcanic ashes and thus preserving them in their life position. These fossilised witnesses of a catastrophic event, enable researchers to reconstruct the living world of that time and give clues about the consequences of climate change in the Earth’s history.

You can visit this exhibition until October 31st at the Messel Pit Visitors’ Centre in Germany.

Professor Nickolas Zouros, explains how these fossils came to be.