Heritage recovery after disasters in Japan

Where we are

The area of Sanriku Fukko National Park was strongly affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011.


Green reconstruction to convey natural heritage and the living environment of the affected area to future generations and learning blessing and wonder of the nature. By understanding, utilizing and conveying natural heritage, a “Build Back Better” was launched aiming at building a resilient culture able to minimize the damage by future tsunami and rapidly revive life in the area.

Rural Heritage

The project is based on a “Green Reconstruction” that support reconstruction by conveying the heritage and the living environment of the affected area to future generations through the reconstruction of the Sanriku Fukko National Park, the improvement of park facilities, the promotion of eco-tourism, the monitoring of natural environment, the promotion of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the building of the  “Michinoku Coastal Trail”,  a long trail around the affected area which is approximately 1,000 km.

These projects contribute to raise awareness about traditional lifestyle and  local culture of rural area in Japan and to regenerate the local economy.