Halland Model: the restauration of historic assets
Where we are
The area of Halland Region is in the south west of Sweden. The Halland Model was started as an answer to the worst recession in Sweden. In Hallandthe construction industry was stroke by the high unemployment and at the same time there was an high need of workers on the restoration of cultural heritage sites and buildings. Workers were trained in traditional building techniques and then practised on historic buildings at risk. Since the conservation work was completed, the premises have been used for activities that can contribute to smart and sustainable development and regional growth.
Rural Heritage
The bottom-up planning approaches have involved local people all over the region of Halland. Starting from local needs and challenges the historic assets is being restored as well as relations between people, strengthening social and territorial cohesions. This regional cross-sectorial cooperation with a multi-problem-oriented approach has resulted in a win-win situations for the historic environment sector and for regional sustainable development in general.